Ely High School 1905-1972 - Prospectus 1942

Secondary School under the County Council
of the Isle of Ely.

Alderman T. PEAKE, J.P.
Alderman W. CUTLACK, J.P.

The Dean of Ely (The Very Rev. L. E. BLACKBURNE, M.A.)
Councillor Mrs. L. M. H. CLARK, J.P.
Councillor F. W. EVERITT.
Councillor S. C. LAWRENCE.
Councillor H. G. MARTIN.
Alderman S. MOORE, J.P.
Councillor B. B. SAUNDERS.
Councillor H. VAIL, J.P.
Alderman The Rev. S. S. WALTON.

Clerk to the Governors.
E. J. P. OSBORNE, M.A. (Cantab.), Education Office,
County Hall, March.

Head Mistress.
Miss B. TILLY, PH.D., M.A. (Lond.).


Miss B. TILLY. PH.D., M.A. (Lond.) Honours Classics.
Miss B. R. BAIRD. B.A. (Lond.) Honours French.
Miss B. BUFTON. B.A. (Lond.) Honours History, Cambridge University Certificate in Education.
Miss B. A. BURROUGH. B.Sc. (Lond.) Honours Botany, Teacher's Diploma of the University of London.
Miss S. E. GARNETT. Diploma of Domestic Economy, Glasgow and West of Scotland College of Domestic Science.
Miss P. MACLEAN. B.A. (Manchester) Honours French, Cambridge University Certificate in Education.
Miss C. T. OATES. A.R.C.A., A.T.D.
Miss P. E. PAGE. National Froebel Foundation Certificate.
Miss W. PATER. National Froebel Union, Higher Certificate.
Miss G. M. ROY. B.Sc. and Geography Diploma (Manchester), B.A. (Lond.) Honours Geography, Board of Education Teacher's Certificate.
Miss C. E. SAUNDERS. B.A. (Lond.) Hon ours English, Cambridge University Certificate in Education.
Miss F. M. STANWAY. B.Sc. (Lond.) Honours Mathematics, Teacher's Diploma of the University of London.
Mrs. J. M. D. WELLS. B.A. Cantab. (Historical Tripos) Oxford University Diploma in Education.
Miss F. A. COOPER. A.R.C.M. M.R.S.T.
Miss D. G. DEFEW. B.A. (Lond.) Honours English, Teacher's Diploma of the University of London.
Miss H. M. THOMPSON. B.A. (Lond.) Honours French, Pitman's Teacher's Certificate.

The School is divided into Upper, Middle and Lower
Schools and a Preparatory Department.

Admission : - Admission Forms may be obtained from the Head Mistress. They should be completed and returned to her, whenever possible, before the end of the term preceding that in which admission to the School is desired.

There is a Preparatory Department for children between the ages of 5 and 9 years under the direction of a specially qualified Mistress. Boys are admitted to this Department and are expected to remain, at least, until the end of the term in which they reach the age of 8. Except in special circumstances they will not be allowed to remain after they reach the age of 9.

Girls who are 9 years of age or over on the first day of the term when they wish to enter call only be admitted to the School if they pass a qualifying test suitable to their age. Girls under this age are normally admitted without an entrance test.

No pupil can normally be retained in the School after the end of the School Year in which she becomes 11 unless she passes a test designed to ascertain her fitness to profit by the ordinary School course.

No pupil will be admitted to the Middle or Upper School unless the parent or guardian signs an undertaking to keep her at the School until the end of the term in which she will attain the age of 16 years, or until the end of the term immediately preceding the holidays during which she will attain the age of 16 years, or until the parent or guardian shall be released by the Governors of the School from this undertaking for some satisfactory reason.

This is the minimum length of time a girl must attend the School. It should be noted that most girls cannot profit fully from a Secondary Education if they leave before they have taken the School Certificate in Form V.: it is further desirable that they should spend at least a year in Form VI., if possible two years.

Fees : -
Payable terminally in advance
Tuition fee per term (all ages) £3 6s 8d

Tuition fees cover the cost of tuition in all ordinary subjects of instruction included in the curriculum, together with the use of books, including circulating library, mathematical instruments and stationery. Girls may be asked to pay the cost of handwork materials required for making special articles, and in such cases the article when finished becomes their own property.

Extras : - Optional - (per term).
Dancing (Autumn and Spring Terms) 7s 6d
Pianoforte (Individual lessons) £2 2s 0d
Pianoforte (Group lessons). These may be held for younger girls and the fee (£2 2s. 0d.) divided among the group.

Notice of Withdrawal: - The parent or guardian must give a half term's notice in writing to the Head Mistress previous to :-

(a) The entire withdrawal of the pupil from the School.
or (b) The withdrawal of the pupil from the School as a full-time pupil even if she remains in the School as a part-time pupil.
or (c) The withdrawal of the pupil from instruction in any extra subject.

Such notice can take effect only at the end of a term, and if such notice is not given, the parent or guardian will be required to pay a half-term's fee in lieu of notice.

School Year: - The School year consists of three terms, about 38 weeks in all, the terms being more or less equal in duration.

Scholarships: - Four Scholarships, tenable for the remainder of school life, may be offered annually by the Governors to meritorious and deserving pupils: -

(1) Three Senior Scholarships tenable for pupils who have been in continuous attendance in the Main School for at least two years immediately prior to the 1st August in the year of award.
(2) A Junior Scholarship tenable for pupils who have been in continuous attendance in the School for at least two years immediately prior to the 1st August in the year of award, and who are not less than 9 years and 8 months old and not more than 11 years and 8 months old on that date.

The Scholarships carry total or partial exemption from the payment of fees according to the financial circumstances of the parents or guardians. At the end of the School Term in which the Scholarship-holder attains the age of 14 and at any other time the Education Committee consider it necessary, the financial circumstances of the parents or guardians will be reviewed with a view to varying, if necessary, the terms of the award.

In cases where, in the opinion of the Education Committee, the financial circumstances of the parents or guardians are such that they will be unable to maintain the Scholarship-holder during attendance at the School, maintenance allowances may be granted, but at the end of the School Term in which the Scholarship-holder attains the age of 14 and at any other time the Education Committee consider it necessary, the financial circumstances of the parents or guardians will be reviewed with a view to varying or discontinuing the maintenance allowance if necessary.

School Hours: - Morning, 9-12.50; afternoon, 2.15-4. (In Preparatory Department, Morning, 9-12 ; afternoon, 2.15-3.45). The School does not open on Saturday.

School Course: The ordinary course of instruction includes Religious Knowledge, English Subjects (including English Literature and Language), History and Geography, French, Latin, Mathematics, Natural Science, Class Singing, Gymnastics, Needlework, Art (including Drawing, Painting and Handwork), Domestic Subjects (including Cookery and Laundry), and in Form VI., Greek, German, Shorthand and Typing.

Pupils are expected to take the full curriculum arranged for their respective forms ; the upper forms specialise according to the needs of examinations or special training.

Organised Games (Hockey, Netball, Regulation Rounders and Tennis), also Swimming in the Summer Term, form part of the School course for all girls. All pupils are required to join in the ordinary Gymnastics and Games unless a Medical Certificate, signed by a registered Medical Practitioner, is sent to the Head Mistress stating that in any particular case it is unwise for the pupil to do so.

Games, Magazine, &c.: - Girls are expected to provide their own Hockey Sticks and Tennis Rackets. These can be bought for them advantageously through the School. The School Magazine is published once a year at a cost price (about 9d.). It is anticipated that all girls will purchase a copy regularly.

Voluntary expeditions may be arranged from time to time: girls who wish to go may be asked either to pay their own expenses or to contribute towards them.

School Social Service: - The School belongs to the Union of Girls' Schools for Social Service. In connection with this girls are invited to give their interest and help in support of the U.G.S. Settlement and its District in South London.

Girls may also be given the opportunity to contribute in School normally to not more than one collection per term for a public charity.

Inspection: - The School is inspected from time to time by the Board of Education.

Examinations:- Pupils in the upper forms are prepared for the Cambridge Local Examinations, Higher School Certificate, and School Certificate (covering exemption from Matriculation), and, when required, for University entrance and Scholarship Examinations. Pupils may also be prepared for the Pianoforte Examinations of the Associated Board of the Royal Academy and Royal College of Music.

School examinations are normally held twice a year.

Attendance of pupils: - Regular and punctual attendance is insisted upon. No pupil may be absent from School except on account of personal illness or urgent necessity without the Previous permission of the Head Mistress obtained by a written request from Parent or Guardian. In cases of personal illness or urgent necessity when the pupil is absent without such permission, the nature of the illness, or other necessity, must be immediately reported to the Head Mistress. No allowance from fees will normally be made except when a pupil is absent continuously owing to personal illness for at least half a term, and the parent or guardian supplies the Head Mistress with a Medical Certificate to this effect signed by a registered Medical Practitioner.

Medical and Health Certificates: - A Medical Certificate, signed by a registered Medical Practitioner must be supplied, when required, to the Head Mistress, after absence owing to personal illness, or for the purpose of informing her whether the pupil is physically fit to take part in gymnastic exercises and to play games.

A Health Certificate, signed by the parent or guardian, must be brought to the School by the pupil after holidays, and after temporary absence if required.

The Head Mistress must be informed immediately if during any term any infectious or contageous disease occurs in the pupil's home, or if the pupil has otherwise come into contact with any infectious or contageous disease, and in such a case the Head Mistress must be supplied, before the pupil returns to School, with a Medical Certificate, signed by a registered Medical Practitioner, stating that she is free from infection. In any case of doubt the Head Mistress is authorised to suspend the pupil until sufficient time for enquiry has elapsed.

Medical Inspection: - The School Medical Officer visits the School for the inspection of pupils.

Home Work: - A fixed time, varying according to each form, has to be devoted to home work.

Dress: All pupils are required to wear the School Uniform, particulars of which may be obtained from the Head Mistress.

Dinner: -Dinner is provided at the School at a charge of 6d. a day, to be paid weekly in advance for all girls desiring it. Girls may, if they, wish, bring their own dinner, in which case crockery, etc., is provided. Milk at ½d. and biscuits at ld. can be obtained at School during the morning break.

No girl is allowed out of School during the dinner interval without special permission.

Unsatisfactory Pupils:- The Head Mistress may require the withdrawal from School at any time of any pupil whose work or conduct is unsatisfactory.

Alteration of Prospectus: - The Governors reserve to themselves the right to increase or vary the fees, and to make any necessary alteration in, or addition to, the foregoing prospectus on giving a half-term's notice to the parent or guardian of any pupil who may be affected thereby.

The Head Mistress will be glad to see parents on School business on Thursdays in term time between 2.30 and 4 p.m., or at other times by appointment.

June, 1942.