Ely High School 1905-1972 - The Merchant of Venice, 1953


July 16th and 18th 1953



Duke of Venice   Y Tedora
Prince of Morocco } suitors to V Willcocks
Prince of Arragon } Portia P Lathan
Antonio A Merchant of Venice V Convine
Bassanio his friend A Burrows
Gratiano } Friends to C Yardy
Solanio } Antonio and Bassanio Mary Beale
Salerio   H Smith
Lorenzo in love with Jessica S Wymer
Shylock a rich Jew C Levett
Lancelot Gobbo   W Read
Old Gobbo   A Lawrence
Balthazar   S Collen
Portia a rich heiress A Browning
Nerissa her Waiting-maid G Robinson
Jessica Daughter to Shylock Myra Beale
P Thulborn P Petch, R Larkin B Badcock
J Howard    
Costumes The Property Club  


L-R: Cynthia Levett - Gwen Robinson - Ann Browning - Beryl Badcock - Yvonne Tedora - Jose Howard - Cynthia Yardy - Helen Smith - Vivian Convine - Ann Burrows
IDs by Ann Dix , Helen Smith
photo source: Ann Dix (Burrows): original by Starr & Rignall, Ely

Beryl Badcock, Yvonne Tedora, Jose Howard, Pat Thulborn, Fay Newstead.

Cast photo taken in front of the Lodge at Bedford House
back: Beryl Badcock - Yvonne Tedora - Jose Howard - Pat Thulborn - Fay Newstead (not in cast list)
middle: Mary Beale - Helen Smith - Cynthia Levett - Ann Burrows - Anne Browning - Vivian Convine - Valerie Willcocks - Pat Latham - Pat Petch - Averil Lawrence
front: Cynthia Yardy - Gwen Robinson - Jean Cole - Wendy Read - Bridget Rayner - Myra Beale - Sylvia Wymer
IDs by Helen Smith
photo source: Helen Smith: original by Starr & Rignall, Ely

Another cast photo taken in front of the Lodge at Bedford House

back: Mary Beale ... Sheila Collen ... Yvonne Tedora (part) ... 4 (obscured) Pat Thulborn? ... Valerie Wilcox ... Pat Latham ... Averil Lawrence
middle: Helen Smith - Cynthia Yardy - Gwen Robinson - Cynthia Levett - Ann Burrows - Anne Browning - Vivian Convine - Myra Beale - Sylvia Wymer
front: Beryl Badcock - Jean Cole - Wendy Read - Bridget Rayner - Pat Petch - José Howard
photo source: Vivian Hawes (Convine): IDs Helen Smith

Programme: Helen Smith
If you can add to this page, eg a review or recollections, please contact us
page created 22 Oct 10: last updated 11 Aug 11